Wednesday, January 8, 2014

file surfing

Being always around computers always makes you concentrated. endless amounts of data and streams. preserving some things is like family photos. to look back to the past either it being a funny photo or a actual family photo or anything thats worth remembering. It seems like people don't think with their heads but with their internet connection. but why use your head for something complex when the worlds information is at a scroll, slide, or click away. as a person always surrounded by the bright light of my computers in my dark room i always have to data manage. what to delete, overwrite, copy, paste, cut or simply move because a terabyte (1000 GB) is a lot to manage. with endless photos, movies and games it seems like we could never live without it. when someone says their bored it seems like they just dont want to do anything. but is doing nothing better then playing a mindless app store game that you got just because it was free? I'm not the judge well, i am my own. but i don't control people. only electronics and simple mechanisms. oh well it seems like I'm dawdling in my thoughts without a second thought. but thats contradicting. maybe reaching out through this paper makes me farther away from everything else.

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