Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Tribal Kitchen update

I have created the polygons of the table, jug, and bowl which are the main objects of the scene. the rest will be dynamics and scenery. i plan to do a lot of light effects and such to show how maya can make such things seem so alive although its all nothing but an animation.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

my personality test

I took my personality test today

I believe This represents me very well. im always looking for the inner meaning of things and learning how people and the world works. within my thoughts i cant stop thinking. even when im relaxed im thinking of how things could of changed or have become different. the endless scarnios and thoughts could almost drive someone crazy. As in my organization i can be alittle unorganized when it comes to school but with everything else like my collectables or my computer files im organized on how i need things and thier usage. when it comes to my friends i try to always see them because loneliness is probably the one thing i feel all to much but then there are sometimes (sometimes a lot) when i just want my time to myself and not want to deal with social events or people. Solving things either come very quick or can take a couple of steps of process. I think a lot on the first move or even before the event comes to action. This is useful as i like to play games that anticipate strategy within their gameplay (the Total War series is my favorite) this also provokes political action and fiorgen relations within the game which i study much. I actually wish to become a history teacher to help show people that history isnt just something thats in a book. to show its them and everything they were. How history could of changed and things can be completely different. ive never really been misunderstood. i always show to people the real me. i am not some two faced person who can just flick my self on and off with my personality. ive learned that people like me have made themselves into great and not so great people but i hope to become even better then some of them maybe. who knows. its just a dream right now. i just have to make it real.

file surfing

Being always around computers always makes you concentrated. endless amounts of data and streams. preserving some things is like family photos. to look back to the past either it being a funny photo or a actual family photo or anything thats worth remembering. It seems like people don't think with their heads but with their internet connection. but why use your head for something complex when the worlds information is at a scroll, slide, or click away. as a person always surrounded by the bright light of my computers in my dark room i always have to data manage. what to delete, overwrite, copy, paste, cut or simply move because a terabyte (1000 GB) is a lot to manage. with endless photos, movies and games it seems like we could never live without it. when someone says their bored it seems like they just dont want to do anything. but is doing nothing better then playing a mindless app store game that you got just because it was free? I'm not the judge well, i am my own. but i don't control people. only electronics and simple mechanisms. oh well it seems like I'm dawdling in my thoughts without a second thought. but thats contradicting. maybe reaching out through this paper makes me farther away from everything else.