Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Desktop backgrounds

For the past week after Emagine i feel like i need to pursuit something else in my 3d modeling abilities so now i am pursuing smaller projects such as desktop backgrounds to test myself in the ability not to make things look as life like as possible but to make something that could never naturally. 

So far i have made two backgrounds

This one above is rendered in 1080p 

and this one is rendered in native 4k resolution.

Soon i will create more with greater diversity and complexity. as of now these were my two test ones which each took me a day each to complete. 

Thursday, March 19, 2015


Well through multiple troubleshooting renovating my room and takeing care of my new pet snake I have reached frame 438 out of 1000. Hopefully at school I can construct a film of at least a minute with the footage I get.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Well the heatsink fan has failed so I went to microcenter and got a 92mm replacement fan. Also news on rendering  cutting down the 20000 to 2000 frames as reviewing the footage looked like slow motation. Sadly o don't have the time for that.
Also the change of fans has changed temps from 68c to 52c Much much cooler and makes the computer more effective of temptress reduction

Days go on

Rendering for 3 straight days and nights and only 298 frames to show for it. This is some intense stuff. with my heatsink fan failing recently my temps bumped up from 55c to now 68c hopefully i can at least get a cooling pad for my laptop so i may start some rendering there. This is insane how much power is needed to push this out.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Working from home is the best

Working from my desk at home is acturally a nice feeling your acomplishing something then just burning time of another day.

Im happy maya is finally working with my computer and not asking for keys or haveing to get some weird file decoder to transfer the encrypted files to a jpeg.
Everything is comeing together now just need video editing software.

One whole night of rendering

One whole night (10pm - 12pm the next day) only ended up with 123 frames. take account my computer specs are all up to date and highest of thier class.
I will have my computer running until all of this is finished but i only hope thats within a week long effort.

Soon this break i will buy a cooling pad for my laptop (hp envy 2013) so it can make use of it and render on there with another student version i will aquire in any means. hopefully this will cut rendering times down at least a 1/4th

for referance this is my laptop!&TabName=features

Saturday, March 14, 2015

it is rendering. but only as fast as it ever could


I got maya to render on my desktop at home. i may be able to get this finished before spring break ends.
EDIT: sadly since the student version dosent allow rendering it appears my efforts were in vain...

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Things are coming along well i m getting stressed for Emagine though. i do plan to turn it all white and rely on shadows and natural lights to give color to this. then only later on will i retire everything to aactural environment. In a sense my ability to make lights has reached its peak as i have used metal ray and certain adjustments to give a very nice shadow to everything.