Friday, December 26, 2014


The holidays as you get older seem to just become stressful and not as enjoyable as they used to be. i sadly havent done a single thing. i wanted to at least get one project for Ap art studio made and then i hope to worked on my maya project a bit. i havent been able to be at home one day this break. bounceing from house to house seeing family and friends. its enjoyable but as soon as you get back to the chopping block you find yourself stuck. Hopefully ill get this sorted out soon.

Happy holidays and a happy new year

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Final post of this semester

So much work done but yet i feel like this project will take over four times the amount of hours ive poured into it. This project i love yet loathe at the same time. This on scale is the largest project I have ever made and i hope to make it the most impressive work here at Olathe Northwest. I have high expectations for myself and i know my peers always watch me and want to see what i can pull out of my head next.
 This quote i find myself makeing circles around all to many times. I have failed very many times and i have also created works i am proud of. its find funny in Maya i like to create very real and clean looking objects and enviroments but in my Three dimensional sculptures in AP art studio i tend to lean towards more crazy and odd work that involves alot of emotion and thought for it to be understood.

Hopefully winter break i can isolate myself enough and get a idea or some burst of motivation to pull through and finish this and another project for my AP class. It turns my mind works in what i find a unhealthy manner of long pieords of being dormant and not being creative and then theres the big rushes i get that last only a day or so where i just overflow with information and create something i can love and create with passion. Ive had a few of those days here in ecom and some on this project. I find myself getting distracted with social interactions and its healthy to be social but i end up doing it at the wrong time. oddly out of school i just end up isolating myself from anything except my room lit by monitors with multiple processes going. anything from test renders to video rendering with minor tools ive gotten free online, streaming content, uploading, downloading, and simply just filling my mind with recent events and keeping up with the world's affairs.

Maybe i should start texturing and lighting, i enjoy the process of lighting the most as i find the menal ray and specular shadows to just be a beautiful thing to control. those renders i will have to do at home mostly because at school although these macs do have a great amount of RAM and a fine processor these computers only succumb to thermal throttling. At home i have my pc which i built that sustains heat well only because i gave enough of my cash to noctua and evga and got a computer that can render full 4k and still keep temptures down to about 45-50 degrees Celsius. 

All and all i see this project to show my time to shine and i want to make it more then anyone that just passes by my desk to just think of it as a bunch of shapes smashed together. I can create my own world in this program and i want to make it something to be spectacled at. 

Even something as this looks very well done and is a interesting view of a staircase i do notice something wrong. do you? I realized the end caps of my stair's railing has suddenly disappeared. Admiting ones errors is the first step to fixing them. I am just happy i caught this early on.

Well winter break is here. This is the time to set back catch up on my thoughts, get rest, revise my priorities and work more solidly on my skills in my practices of art and getting this project either finished with creating polygons or just start texturing by the time i get back to school. I want this to be something to be proud of and ill make it happen. Happy holidays and stay warm this winter.

Friday, December 5, 2014

improvements on the entrace, it acturally looks secure as i plan to make this a public archive and that data must be stored very well. also i think a small conferance room is a nice add on as it does add a room that people may rent out to hold meetings and such. i only hope i can make planes that can have glass go through them. otherwise ill just have to keep trying.