Monday, September 8, 2014

That isn't a laptop sir

Well with progress of modeling that ti99 i thought i might as well use it more then just a not exact model (I'm still missing a power cable and a few expansion cards) but i thought of making a college lecture hall and having the professor with his personal computer for his work. those monsters of computers had to be somewhere so i modeled a desk that looks like the norm 1980-early 2000's teachers desk. i even put detailed the edges with bevels to give attention this is shaped and bent sheet metal nit cut wood.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Ive been neglecting this blog very harshly. i have finished remodeling a TI 99 computer and i didn't put any updates with it or even notify it on my blog. thats a shame because i learned a lot doing this and how maya 2015 has changed a bit.